About Me

I am a PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, under the supervision of Prof. Mounya Elhilali. My research focuses on Audio Signal Processing, Generative Models, and Music Technology.

Outside of academia, I am also a Music Producer, having worked on numerous hip-hop and pop tracks in the Chinese entertainment industry.

For more details on my academic and professional journey, you can view my CV.

I am open to collaborations in audio/speech signal processing and music technology. Feel free to reach out at: jhai2@jhu.edu


  • 2024.09: 🤗 EzAudio was selected to HuggingFace’s Daily Paper
  • 2024.06: 🎉 Two papers accepted at Interspeech 2024: DreamVoice and Noise-robust Speech Separation
  • 2023.12: 🎉 Two papers accepted at ICASSP 2024: DPM-TSE a study on EEG-based Auditory Attention Decoding
  • 2023.09: 🎉 One paper on Multimodal Sentiment Analysis accepcted at ASRU 2023
  • 2023.09: 🎉 I passed the Departmental Qualifying Exam at JHU
  • 2023.07: 🎉 Diff-Pitcher accepted at WASPAA 2023


Audio Signal Processing

  • 2024 pre-print EzAudio: Enhancing Text-to-Audio Generation with Efficient Diffusion Transformer | Jiarui Hai, Yong Xu, Hao Zhang, Chenxing Li, Helin Wang, Mounya Elhilali, Dong Yu | [paper] [code] [space] [page]

  • 2024 pre-print SoloAudio: Target Sound Extraction with Language-oriented Audio Diffusion Transformer | Helin Wang*, Jiarui Hai*, Yen-Ju Lu, Karan Thakkar, Mounya Elhilali, Najim Dehak | [paper] [code] [page]

  • 2024 pre-print SSR Speech: Towards Stable, Safe, and Robust Zero-shot Text-based Speech Editing and Synthesis | Helin Wang, Meng Yu, Jiarui Hai, Chen Chen, Yuchen Hu, Rilin Chen, Najim Dehak, Dong Yu | [paper] [code] [page]

  • 2024 Interspeech DreamVoice: Text-Guided Voice Conversion | Jiarui Hai*, Karan Thakkar*, Helin Wang, Zengyi Qin, Mounya Elhilali | [paper] [code] [page]

  • 2024 Interspeech Noise-robust Speech Separation with Fast Generative Correction | Helin Wang, Jesus Villalba, Laureano Moro-Velazquez, Jiarui Hai, Thomas Thebaud, Najim Dehak | [paper]

  • 2024 ICASSP DPM-TSE: A Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Target Sound Extraction | Jiarui Hai*, Heilin Wang*, Dongchao Yang, Karan Thakkar, Najim Dehak, Mounya Elhilali | [paper] [code] [page]

  • 2024 ICASSPInvestigating Self-Supervised Deep Representations for EEG-based Auditory Attention Decoding | Karan Thakkar, Jiarui Hai, Mounya Elhilali | [paper]

  • 2023 ASRU Boosting Modality Representation with Pre-trained Models and Multi-task Training for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis | Jiarui Hai*, Yu-Jeh Liu*, Mounya Elhilali | [paper]

  • 2023 WASPAA Diff-Pitcher: Diffusion-based Singing Voice Pitch Correction | Jiarui Hai, Mounya Elhilali | [paper] [code] [page]

  • 2022 ICASSP Progressive Teacher-Student Training Framework for Music Tagging | Rui Lu, Baigong Zheng, Jiarui Hai, Fei Tao, Zhiyao Duan, Ji Liu | [paper]

Biomedical Informatics, Machine Learning, and Data Science

  • 2023 JAMIA open Leveraging Natural Language Processing and Geospatial Time Series Model to Analyze COVID-19 Vaccination Sentiment Dynamics on Tweets | Jiancheng Ye*, Jiarui Hai*, Zidan Wang, Chumei Wei, Jiacheng Song

  • 2022 JMIR Social Networking Service, Patient-Generated Health Data, and Population Health Informatics: National Cross-sectional Study of Patterns and Implications of Leveraging Digital Technologies to Support Mental Health and Well-being| Jiancheng Ye, Zidan Wang, Jiarui Hai

  • 2022 Journal of Data Science Comparison of Methods for Imputing Social Network Data | Ziqian Xu, Jiarui Hai, Yutong Yang, Zhiyong Zhang


  • 2022.08 - Present, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, United States
  • 2020.08 - 2022.06, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
    • Master of Engineering | Civil Engineering
    • Big Data Program Member | Big Data Research Center
  • 2016.08 - 2020.06, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
    • Bachelor of Engineering | Civil Engineering
    • Bachelor of Science | Business Analytics


  • 2024.05 - 2024.08, Tencent Americas, Bellevue, USA
    • Research Intern | AI lab
  • 2021.06 - 2022.01, Kuaishou, Beijing, China
  • 2021.06 - 2021.09, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, United States
  • 2019.06 - 2019.09, University of Hong Kong, Hongkong, China

Honors and Awards

  • 2021, Top New Producer (1%), BeatsHome Hip-hop Production Contest, China
  • 2019, Arts Excellence Award (5%), Tsinghua University, China
  • 2018, Comprehensive Excellence Award (10%), Tsinghua University, China
  • 2018, Arts Excellence Award (5%), Tsinghua University, China
  • 2017, Arts Excellence Award (5%), Tsinghua University, China


  • 2021.08, Hosted a lecture about music production at Modern Sky Studio
  • 2021.05, Worked in the production of this rap song for the TV show “HipHop Bank“

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